Fort Concho Garrison Days

Fort Concho Garrison Days

For more information about this event: 
Contact Sarah Ross

More information coming soon!

Schedule of Events:

0620 First Call (Color Detail and Morning Gun Crew prepare for Reveille.)

0630 Reveille
0700 Breakfast
0800 Drill Call (Company F conducts school of the soldier on the parade field)
0830 Officers Call (Officers will assemble at HQ and plan a survey mission); Drill Continues with breaks at NCO’s discretion.
1200 Supper
1300 Drill Call (Company F will conduct rifle and skirmish drill with breaks at NCO’s discretion)
1640 Adjutant’s Call (Battalion will form on the parade field for evening formation)
1645 Retreat
1650 To the Color/ Flag Detail (Following To The Color, Adjutant will give any closing orders for the day evening formation should be over by 1700)
1715 Evening Meal (Bread and Cheese)
1830 Guard Duty Ends
1900 Evening Tea and snacks
*Dance and social that is not strictly immersion

0620 First Call (Color Detail and Morning Gun Crew prepare for Reveille.)

0630 Reveille
0700 Breakfast (Oatmeal, Apples and Eggs)
0800 Church Call* (30 minutes Church sermon in School House, soldiers not in church will conduct Barracks Beautification and any other assigned details.)
0830 Officer Call (Officers meet at HQ to finish any planning from yesterday’s survey mission assignment) ; Barracks cleanup and other details continue with breaks at NCO’s discretion.
1230 Supper; Guard Duty Ends.
1330 Adjutant’s Call (Final Formation and send-off)

If you are a Living Historian, click here for more info or to sign up for this event.