5, 6, & 7,2025

Christmas at
Old Fort Concho
Kick off the holiday season by visiting Fort Concho’s largest annual event. Held during the first full weekend in December, Christmas at Old Fort Concho transforms the fort’s forty acres and twenty-four buildings into a winter wonderland. Each day at Fort Concho visitors can experience the Winter Rendezvous, campsites with hundreds of re-enactors and period traders who bring the 1800s to life. During daylight hours the many troops on the Parade Ground will drill, ride, and shoot their weapons. The artillery demonstrations (blanks-of course) will definitely catch your attention! Inside the fort’s many original buildings, merchants and artisans from across Texas and the Southwest offer many items to start your Christmas shopping. A Food Court will offer various food options; strolling musicians and staged musical activity will keep the grounds lively, and the Children’s Areas will provide many crafts and activities free for all youngsters.
How to get involved…
Looking for more ways to get involved with our event? We have several options to choose from! You can send an application to be chosen for one of the many merchants on site. Sign up for volunteer hours. Or just want to become a sponsor? Check out the links below! Some may not be available right away so check back often for updates!

Want to be a merchant?
Please read the application thoroughly before mailing. If you have any questions, please contact our Special Event Coordinator at 325-657-4441 or at

Be a Sponsor for the fort!
More information on becoming a sponsor for Christmas at Old Fort Concho or Frontier Day coming soon!

We need volunteers!
Want to volunteer at Christmas at Old Fort Concho as a door greeter or ticket booth? Have a group or family that want to volunteer together? Sign up coming soon!
Volunteer Application
Site Guide & Program
Entertainment Schedule
Email if you’d like to be an entertainer for 2025.
Event Schedule & Ticketed Programs
Winter Rendezvous Living History Form
For more information contact our Living History coordinator at 325-657-4443

Contact us!
If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us!
General questions:
Carol Cummings 325-657-4441 or
Living History:
Sarah Thieme 325-657-4443 or
Brendalee 325-657-4444 or
Sutler Form *COMING SOON
Students’ Day Field Trip