Education at Fort Concho
From school tours and Frontier School to summer events for children, Fort Concho has been offering educational programs for students for over 40 years. Schools throughout the Concho Valley and across Texas come to Fort Concho to explore our buildings and experience what it was like to live at a frontier fort in West Texas during the late 1800s.

The fort’s longest running educational program, Frontier School provides an immersive learning experience. The program is modeled after a school day in the 1880s. Students will participate in reading lessons from period school readers, arithmetic lessons with slate chalk boards, a spelling bee, and period games.
Suitable for 4th & 7th grade
For school groups of 30 or less
Information and Educational Opportunities for Schools: Educators Guide 2023 through 2024
Fort Concho is proud to announce museum trunks are now available! These trunks are filled with items that help bring the history of the fort into your classroom.
Fort Concho Museum Trunks are checked out on a first-come, first-served basis. The checkout period for a trunk is two weeks. Each trunk contains lesson plans, artifacts, games, and activities. Please request a trunk at least two weeks in advance.

Currently, there are two trunks available:
- Children on the Frontier and Their Toys (Kindergarten- 3rd)
- Tim Nowak Trunk: Soldiers during the Indian Wars and Reconstruction
(Grades 4-7 or 8-12)
Checkout is Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, and Sunday 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Upon requesting the trunk, the education coordinator will coordinate a date for pick up. Please return the trunks to the Visitor Center at Barracks 1 with both inventory sheets completed.
A $25 security deposit is required to check out a trunk. The deposit will be refunded after the trunk is returned to Fort Concho. Checks may be made to the Fort Concho Foundation.
Field Trips
Resources for Parents and Educators
Coloring Sheets: Barracks 5 – Officers’ Quarters – Schoolhouse/Chapel
Handout: Military Rank for the 19th-century Army
Letter Writing Guidelines
Scavenger Hunt: Fort Concho Website (virtual)
Word Search: Fort Concho Extreme
Crossword: Fort Concho (adults) – Fort Concho (children)
Cryptogram: Mule Cryptogram (advanced)
Still have questions?
Something wasn’t answered above. You have several ways of contacting our Education Coordinator!