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Vintage Base Ball

Fort Concho National Historic Landmark has created a vintage base ball (two words in the 19th Century spelling) club based on teams that played in 1887.  The team plays in period clothing and uses authentic equipment created from research in the local newspapers, photographs, and other sources.  The site is currently seeking volunteers to interpret this military base ball club as well as civilian teams from the same era.  In addition to the players, there is always a need for umpires, tallykeepers, cranks (fans) and rooters (enthusiastic fans).

The objective of the program is educational and recreational.  This is a perfect opportunity to educate people on sports of the 19th Century and provide another public program for the City of San Angelo that all ages can enjoy.  Interest in vintage base ball is on the rise across the nation and many Texas cities have already established clubs.

If you are interested in being a part of the Fort Concho Vintage Base Ball Program please call Cory Robinson at 325-481-2848 or email at

The Fort Concho Vintage Base Ball Program would like to thank its sponsors:
Scripps Howard Foundation
Dierschke & Dierschke Realtors
Vehicle Accessories & Supply
Shaffer Funeral Home
Todd Whittley Construction
Scott Management Trust
Academy Sports
Concho Valley Electric Coop.
San Angelo Standard Times
Rex and Vickie Bushong
Ronny and Carol Harrison
Sandy Whittley
Bill Shaw
Fort Concho Buffalo Soldiers
Melvin Bohnert
Robert Pace
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