Donations made to the fort go into the site’s general fund and are used in a variety of ways. To make a contribution to the site, please call us at 325-657-4444, or email us at
A donation box is also located in the Visitor Center at Barracks 1. All contributions make a difference.
Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to commemorate a special occasion or pay tribute to a family member, friend, or loved one. These tax-deductible gifts not only provide an alternative way to celebrate or remember someone special, they also help fund the fort’s ongoing missions. Honor or Memorial gifts to Fort Concho may be designated for a specific project, exhibit, or program.
Gifts made to Fort Concho will be recognized on the fort’s Facebook page and website periodically throughout the year. Acknowledgments will be sent to the donors and the people they so designate.
San Angelo Gives is a powerful 24-hour, online giving event that reinforces the value of local philanthropic giving and community engagement. Hosted by the San Angelo Area Foundation, this event gives community members the opportunity to find and support an organization whose mission aligns with their passion. San Angelo Gives is one day to give as one.
Fort Concho has taken part in San Angelo Gives since 2015. The contributions made to Fort Concho during the fundraising event are allocated to specific projects, programs, or improvements at the site.

For more information on contributions, please call (325) 657-4444, or email
Lost to history since the early 1900s, Barracks and Mess Halls 3 & 4 are being reconstructed on their original site thanks to several generous people and organizations. Dr. Walter Noekle, long-time history professor at Angelo State University and a generous supporter of many local projects, started the project with a $2,000,000 donations. A second, anonymous donation of $1,300,000 followed and a $500,000 grant from the San Angelo Health Foundation completed the funding necessary to start the construction that is scheduled for completion in 2024. These four buildings will serve as the fort’s new Library/Archives research center, consolidating the fort’s holdings that have grown by 400% in the past fifteen years, plus providing a home for the 4500-unit book collection loaned to the fort by Dr. Noelke. Funding for furnishings and equipment have come from many local and distant donors, grants including the Tucker Foundation of San Angelo, and donations through the annual San Angelo Gives program in early May. Additional donations for the operation of this impressive facility are always welcome.
Contact us at (325) 234-0316 or
The “next great project” will be the renovation of Barracks 1 and 2 at Fort Concho to serve as the site’s new Visitor Center. The site’s original guest greeting area was located in the Headquarters building from 1930 through July of 1995 when a portion of Barracks 1 opened as the new visitor center. Over the years, the fort’s expanding needs and audiences made a larger facility necessary, so plans have been drawn awaiting fundraising later in 2024 and early 2025 when the Barracks/Mess Halls 3-4 project is completed. The Visitor Center project received an initial $1,000,000 allocation through the City Half-Cent Sales Tax that was authorized by voters. The new facility will feature a small theatre, expanded galleries for permanent and temporary exhibits, a frontier army-themed gift shop, and more efficient spaces for office staff, storage, and guest comfort areas.
If you are interested in supporting these projects, please contact the fort’s site manager at (325) 481-2730 or